Saturday, 30 December 2023

2023 Walking Ireland - Day 8 - FINAL DAY

Tuesday 25th April – Last Day

Big Dog Forest to Ballintempo Forest 11.90 Miles

Well, who's a lucky girl? Out of my eight days of walking I've only had 1 day of rain . . . . in Ireland!!!!

Today started with a glorious view from our home-from-home of the mirror calm estuary. 

The sun was shining and all was well with the world as Denise and I headed for The Thatch at Belleek for breakfast before starting my final trek. We had checked yesterday that they would be open!!

I was keeping my fingers crossed that the weather would be as good in the part of Fermanagh that I was walking. We arrived at my start point; photos were taken on my phone, goodbyes were said and I set off on the final ‘leg’

For some reason I was all fingers & thumbs this morning. I was wearing thick woollen gloves (I’d mislaid my thinner ones!) Although it was sunny it was bitingly cold. 

In fact, it had been so cold this morning that I had to de-ice the front windscreen before I could drive off!! I tried a few times to take some photos without much success although I did take a few random selfies that I didn’t know about!!

After Big Dog Forest I finally warmed up a bit and became a little more technically adept so was able to take more photos again. The next Forest on today’s list was Carrigan Forest. It was here that I felt less in a heavily managed Forestry Commission ‘factory’ and more on an ancient trail. 

Although I was still walking on the same broad, gravelled Forest track, now it was bounded on each side by an avenue of gnarled, scrubby trees that looked way older even that I am!! Beyond that was another broad strip of rough, boggy ground littered with banks of aromatic, golden gorse and the occasional deciduous bush. Further beyond frequently there were deciduous trees before, finally, giving way to the usual Sitka Spruce.

Perhaps it was this that made for more birdsong, or perhaps the sunshine, or perhaps even the fact there was less wind. Whatever it was I was far more aware of the general peace and quiet and the uplifting sounds of birds welcoming in Spring (and the bonus of no cuckoo!!)

All of my walk was on the Ulster Way, clearly marked at each turning point. All the guides would have you walk from Belcoo in the south to Magho Cliffs in the north but that means the going is predominantly uphill!! Why would you do that? I advise doing it my way, Magho Viewpoint to Belcoo. It’s still not easy but there are more down-hills to up-hills that way.

I had to walk round Lough Formal so I formally marched round it whistling British Grenadiers, Early One Morning and Sweet Lass of Richmond Hill (under my breath!) It’s a military thing!! I kept imagining myself back on the parade square at Guildford on a 2 Company Passing-Out Parade. General Salute & the Corps Marches!! Ahh well – it whiles away the miles!!

Having got to the far side of Lough Formal I first saw a sign saying Car Park this way - did that mean I could have driven it instead of walking? I’ll know next time!! I then saw the sign suggesting a walk up to Formal More Viewpoint  . . . . up a very steep hill!!  . . . . I thought about it for at least a Nano-second!!

This walk comprised very long zig-zags. I zigged, knowing full well that I’d covered miles but progressed yards along my direction of intended travel!! I zagged but hey-ho – gradually I was reaching my goal.

I came across my first lone human driving another road-levelling tractor. Further up the track I came across a heavy roller machine. No doubt he would travel up and down the track on his leveller and then up and down with the roller!! What a job!

I had lunch at Lough Namanfin sitting on a beautifully made bench. Enough room for me to lie out in the sun, propped up by my rucksack. I couldn’t get too comfy as I had a chauffeuse to meet at the end of my hike. Sandwich and homemade sausage rolls scoffed, water drunk and a high energy dark chocolate & berry bar to hand for dessert on the move I set off again for my final destination.

I stopped again just after Sarly Hill as my feet were getting a bit sore. I sat on a nearby stump and changed into a new, dry pair of socks, re-laced my boots and set off again, eager to be finished. There were a few smaller zigzags to negotiate. At one I happened across a couple of chaps ministering to what looked like a bright green, brand-new logging grappler! The engine cover was off and these two guys and their two heavily laden mechanics vans had all bits and bobs strewn across the track. They kindly made a path for me through their work-space and I carried on down towards where I hoped the car would be.

The last mile or so always seems to last for ever. As I trudged downhill I kept thinking the end would just be round the next corner. Denise, who had parked the car earlier (reader – you surely are not surprised!) walked up the hill to meet me then panicked that she was in the wrong place or had missed me somehow so hastily retreated back to the car. We must have been but a short distance from each other for half a mile or so! Eventually I rounded the final bend and there she was, waiting for me, as always.

Photos were taken and congratulatory hugs exchanged before we set off back to Donegal and an excellent Raspberry & White Chocolate Bun cooked by Julia. She cooked 12 but I’ve only managed 1 . . . . so far!!

Over 8 days I have completed 101.18 miles in, for the most part, glorious weather. Not too hot and not too cold. A bit damp one day but heck . . . . it is Ireland.

My very grateful thanks to Denise (in particular), Julia and George for supporting me so well. Without them none of this would have happen. My thanks also to the many people who have sponsored me through my Give as you Live page or through cash donations and raffles. I assure you that all of the money I have raised goes to my two charities (minus any online fees) All of my expenses are self-financed.

This walk has been in memory of a true ex-WRAC, Mel Howell, who surely made her mark in our world. RIP Mel xx

You can donate to my two charities, Pancreatic Cancer Research and WRAC Association at my Give as you Live page at:

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