Friday, 9 March 2018

February into March 2018

Walking into March 2018

My!!!  Didn't we have some snow!! We're fairly lucky in Worcester as bad weather tends to dump on the Welsh Mountains, Malvern Hills or the Cotswolds before it gets to us. It did tend to make my walks a bit shorter than usual but I still got plenty of exercise trying to keep my balance on the slippy surfaces.
Worcester in the Snow
Fortunately I have some hardy Walking Buddies who spurred me on to climb the Worcestershire Beacon on Monday despite the cold. After we'd warmed ourselves with a coffee and something to eat at Waitrose café we parked at the Clock Tower Car Park at the northern end of the hills and gradually climbed to the top of the Beacon.

Some of us are better at having our photos taken than others - unless we had entered a Gurning competition!!
When we reached the top we could see that on the Worcestershire side of the hill the snow had mostly vanished whilst on the Herefordshire side there seemed to be plenty of snow still around.
My thanks again to Ali and Jo (& not forgetting Tam the dog!) for their company on my training walks.
As we had filled our faces before the walk we decided to give the pub a miss - this time!! Maybe the next walk!!

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