Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Final Thoughts - 3 Choirs Way, 2021


It's the day after (actually it’s not because I forgot to press the publish button!!) my six day walk between the three cathedrals of Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester. 

This morning I allowed myself a lie-in, I didn't get up until 7.30am!!

Although Denise had been to the Severn Heights Nursing Home garden every day over the last week she decided to go again today. I thought I'd go with her & then drive on to meet some of my walking group on the Malverns. 

Rather than just lazing about Denise decided I could help her move another railway sleeper to keep soil back. I say help . . . it involves me guiding one end of the sleeper while she first lumps & lifts it onto the wheelbarrow & then trundles the barrow down to the bottom of the walled garden. I assure you that it's 98% effort from Denise & 2% hindrance from me!

After my exhausting effort I drove up to Sally's Place, the lovely kiosk at British Camp by the Herefordshire Beacon where I met five of my ex-WRAC walking group. Over coffee, & in my case a delicious bacon & egg bap, we caught up with the gossip before they headed off on a circuit of the hills whilst I got back in the car & headed back to the peace & tranquility of the walled garden. A small part of me wished I'd been joining the walk . . . a very small part!

So here I am, sitting on a comfy chair in the sunshine, contemplating this year's Walking Challenge. Best bits, worst bits, funniest bits and most annoying bits! 

First of all, despite all the moans and rants that appear, hot off the press, on my daily Blog, I really do enjoy my walks.

I started all this eight years ago when I'd been given the all clear after my first brush with Breast Cancer. I had struggled with putting on weight and, more seriously, mental health caused by a loss of control over my life partly due to the diagnosis & treatment for cancer. Coming out the other side of treatment can give you a love for life and a thankfulness that you've survived. It gave me a need to 'pay-back' for the quality of life I'd been given. In my case to say 'Thank-you' to Cancer Research, the Worcestershire Breast Care Unit, St Richard's Hospice & the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association for the physical and mental support they gave me. So my Annual 100 Mile Charity Walking Challenge started back in 2014.

Anyway, back to this year. 

Best of all was the sheer pleasure of walking in the wonderful English Spring countryside. The beautiful landscapes, a rural idyll with its rivers & streams, pastures, hedgerows, woods & fields.

The variety of flora & fauna that I came across all seemingly bursting with the joy of spring.

The fabulous patchwork of fields in varieties of brown, yellow & green.

The continuous exuberant chirping of birds celebrating the glorious weather. It definitely gives me that "Great to be alive" feeling. 

Close contenders for Best Bits was firstly meeting my wife, her sister & brother-in-law for coffee on Day 1 in Malvern before climbing to the top of the Worcestershire Beacon or . . . .

. . . . secondly being met by my friends with a picnic (including beer and a comfy picnic chair!) at lunchtime on Day 6.

Worst bit I'm afraid was the walk from Hampton Bishop to Hereford Cathedral on Day 4.

I was asked today why it made me so cross.

I think it was a combination of it being hot, a very poorly marked pathway to start that put me a good half-mile from the true path and then having to tramp across acres of potato drills all earthed up.

This was followed by the narrowest of pavements beside the long, boring, traffic-laden major road into the centre of Hereford. My poor Denise bore the brunt of my chuntering!!

Close contender for either the worst or scariest/daftest bits -  the COOOS!! (cows) 

It didn't seem to matter where I was or how far away I was they saw me and came enthusiastically to investigate!

My friend David, an ex- farm manager, said that it took some nerve to stand ones ground.

"They will slide to a halt," he assured me.

I'm afraid I will never be brave enough to put that to the test!!

Actually, cows quietly grazing or with their young weren't the problem. They were docile enough so long as I gave them a wide enough berth.

It was the young heffers & bullocks, away from mums and all herded together. Frisky & with herd mentality - reminded me of  army training for crowd control in BAOR with 29 Company, WRAC!!!!

I'm not sure there were any proper funny bits this year but there were certainly some inspirational moments. On two separate days I met two different pairs of women walking dogs. As one does we got chatting and it transpired that one lady from each of the groups had had a kidney removed due to cancer. One 3 years ago and the other 13 years previously. Both looked extremely fit and healthy, each enjoying their walking and the joys of spring. I found that very heartening and inspirational.

Most annoying thing had to be my lockdown hair!! Sadly I was unable to get a hair appointment till the week after my walk so my lockdown-locks were flowing freely.

For most of the week that meant hair blowing across my face and me sprouting wings around my ears where my unruly curls sprang in all directions. 

My hair is so long that, for the first time since I was about 10 years old, I could tie it up at the back - not that it would have done any good!!

It was really irritating!

I would like to thank the one person who makes all these walks possible; my lovely, understanding, patient wife Denise.

I would also like to thank all my family, friends, acquaintances and folk who don't even know me for their support this year and often over the past eight years. 

My Virgin Money Giving Page is still open for anyone who wishes to donate to my two charities. I assure you that all other expenses I incur are covered by myself. The link is:

So, another year older and I still haven't done my Scotland walk. I planned it for 2020 then again for this year. Maybe next year, 2022, I'll finally get to walk the Great Glen Way!!

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