Sunday, 23 April 2023

2023 Walking Ireland - Day 6

Sunday 23rd April

Bundoran Circular 3.33mls & Murvagh Beach and Golf Course 6.17mls

Today was supposed to be a walk from Killeter village in South Tyrone to Pettigo on the Tyrone/Donegal Border. After my walk on Friday I did a recce to see where my start point was going to be. I found the start, realised there was a VERY large hill to climb up a mile or so  and then down again the other side before more or less joining the road that I then took to drive to Pettigo and then onwards to Donegal!! I thought of my poor feet and decided that 9 or so miles of pounding on a metalled road surface was not going to fill me full of joy!! A re-think was in order.

Today is Sunday (and also St George’s Day – Hope all my English relations/friends/readers had a good day!)

Sunday is a day of rest & time to spend with the family so I kind of did!! We drove to Bundoran (in two cars) and had very nice breakfast at the Salty Fox. Then we parked the cars at the other side of the town near the sea-front with the intention of walking round the headland, back past the Salty Fox and back through the town to the car. Best laid plans!! There was “an incident” on the headland with lots of police so we had to make a detour and miss the headland out. 

George & Julia decided to go back to their car & return home whilst Denise bravely (foolishly?) decided to stay with me to walk past the Salty fox to the headland and bay the other side. I had to keep pushing it!! The clouds were ominous but I just wanted one more photo. Just a bit further, the clouds will blow away!! We got drenched!! 

The rain started at the furthest point away from the car . . . . of course!! 

By the time we got to the car the rain had stopped but we were soaked. 

Denise, however, is still talking to me!!

We dried off back at our home-from-home and had a snack and a hot drink. 

Then George kindly drove me all the way to Murvagh Beach which is right next to his Golf Club! He always tells me how fortunate with the weather he is on his links course. the course is situated on a peninsula jutting northwards out towards Donegal Bay. 

It’s where the channel from the bay narrows at the peninsula point before heading up to Donegal town itself.

It was a short walk over the dune to the beach and there before me was a long stretch of sandy beach heading northwards with the mountains of County Donegal as a backdrop.

I headed towards the point on the damp, firm sand. 

There was a bit of a blow (as you would expect beside the sea) but it was wonderful to be beside the sea again.  

There was intermittent sunshine although the clouds were a little threatening. 

I walked far enough around the point to be able to see, far in the distance, the “estate” where Julia & George live. I waved but I don’t think Denise & Julia saw me!! By this time the clouds looked VERY threatening; that dark, purple-black. plumped-up kind of cloud that looks over-filled with rain. I turned back the way I’d come and headed back down the beach hoping I could out-walk the rain that I was sure was coming. There were a few spits & spots but I had my umbrella handy . . . . but it wasn’t needed! 

I made it back off the beach and then had another mile or so of wooded avenue to walk before arriving at Donegal Golf Club, Murvagh where I was to meet George. As I walked up to the clubhouse he was there to greet me. 

Photos were taken and we got back in the car and he drove me home for a superb Sunday Dinner (which is why this Blog is late!!)

That means that I have completed another 9.5 miles towards my total. Just two more days to go . . . . in County Fermanagh so wish me luck with the weather!!

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