Monday 13 March 2017

Day 2 Monday 13 March

Day 2 - Monday 13th March - Amington to Nuneaton SE

Carping out of my system so now a bit more about the actual walking!!

Today I started where I left off last night at Amington near Tamworth. It was a beautiful morning with bright sunshine. I was soon able to take off my fleece. The canal was quite busy all day with a host of narrowboats plying back and forth. I saw the first of my spring blooms, gorse. There seem to be fewer flowers along the canal towpaths than along country lanes or coastal paths.

A little while into the walk and I came across the picturesque Pooley Hall. I wondered if there was or had been a water feature (gravity-fed fountain?) This part of the canal system is blessed with poetry plaques. Some of them are even out of reach of the local graffiti artists!

I walked past the obelisk on Hoo Hill (what a lovely name) near Polesworth and further on saw the evidence of this part of the worlds industrial past in the form of "Jee's" or spoil heaps.

Again the worst and most dangerous part of the day was the quarter mile road walk from the canal to the hotel at the end of the day along a 'country lane' with cars being driven by maniacs. Never mind, I survived!! It was lovely to meet up with Elaine and Phyl at our hotel for a drink and a chat.

Can I say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who is following my antics for all your lovely comments and support. Makes it all worthwhile. I'm sorry that this BLOG (well, my use of it!!) seems unable to accept comments.

I've attached my walk lunch and end of day stops for anyone who's interested.


  1. Beautiful scenery and an interesting blog, makes me feel as though I want to be there. It was a lovely day and hope you continue to have lovely weather.

  2. Another lovely write up Marg :) I didn't like the sound of the last bit on that country lane though! Take good care x

  3. Hello Marg,
    Sounds a lovely day along the canals, very interesting write up. Glad the weather is with you too. Looking forward to the next days blog. Will try and meet you one lunchtime.
    Jane xxx

  4. Hope your feet and legs are holding out. Great day for walking again, hope you don't run into muddy footpaths again. You are amazing, well done.


Thanks for your comment. I will try and reply when I can