Thursday, 16 March 2017

Day 5 Thur 16th March

Day 5 - Thursday 16th March - Long Itchington to Kingswood

Today was spent solely on the Grand Union Canal. Phyl had served me a cooked breakfast and gave me another, in a roll, "To Go"!! She didn't want anyone to think that she and Elaine couldn't feed me as well as June and Den had the previous day!! Both households were amazing and fed & watered me "right Royally" My grateful thanks to all four of you. I ate my second breakfast near aptly named "Welsh Road Lock" before continuing down towards Royal Leamington Spa.

As you walk through these conurbations you don't ever get to see the town or city 'proper'. You either get to see the backside of it, the industrial estates and rubbish heaps; the 'rather nice' properties with manicured lawns and decking areas backing onto the picturesque canal.; or sometimes lush woodland sunk below town level. Often it is difficult to work out if you have reached your destination. Today I had time to photograph the spring flowers that had burst into life over this week of surprising weather.

I stopped for lunch after nearly 11 miles at the Cape of Good Hope!! Yes! I was surprised that I had travelled so far too!! It's a pub near the lowest part of the canal before it started to climb away from Warwick. The pub was on the opposite side of the canal and could only be reached via the lock-gate. I think I've mentioned before that I don't like heights!! It was scary going over . . . but even scarier coming back with a pint of  Shropshire Ale on board!!!

After lunch all that remained was a mere 8 more miles. Shorter but it did involve a bit of minor mountaineering, canal style, climbing the ladder of 21 locks of Hatton Flight. It started near the wonderfully named 'Ugly Bridge' and rose in a series of ladders. Climbing to the top one is rewarded with a tiny Tea Shop. I partook of a mug of Earl Grey tea and a rather delicious Apricot Drizzle Cake! Yummy!

Another 4 miles and I'd reached my pick-up point at Kingswood with quarter of an hour to spare! Denise and I decided to forgo the pint and head straight back home as I had a load of washing needing doing and had to pick-up all my "Stuff" for the weekend in Stratford. No, I will not be carrying it with me as I walk tomorrow. The journey, which normally takes 45mins took over an hour and a half thanks to rush-hour traffic. Never mind - last day of serious walking tomorrow then ready to party on Saturday!! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and cheered me on. Nearly there!!


  1. jane griffin-ash16 March 2017 at 21:49

    Well done Marg, anther super blog and brilliant pictures. Nearly there!
    Jane xxx

  2. Another kind day for you weather wise Marg, fabulous photos again, but am loving the spring beauty poking through. Xx

  3. Good luck Marg. Sorry can't meet you at Stratford. Enoy the rest of your walk. Have a fantastic weekend.hope to see you soon. Take care stay safe xx

  4. Enjoying the blog...what will I read next week? See you soon. P.S. the first Malt is on me xx

  5. Yay well done Marg :) lovely description of your day. Good luck as you head for the final stretch, I hope the rain stays away! Xx

  6. You should write a book of your life adventures as your blog is a good read

  7. You should write a book of your life adventures as your blog is a good read

  8. Just pick up on your blog Marge. Sounds like it's a lovely walk. Lovely photos. Xx


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